Evolution is devoid of foresight. It has neither a strategy nor a plan. It is impossible to predict the next steps of the evolutionary process, not to say about preparing a more or less accurate development plan similar to the evolutionary one. If we try to guess the original intention and realize the true goal to build a logical chain that leads to the current reality, that's the point where the false reasoning comes up. And that's all to answer irrational questions, which simply should not be raised in general: about the sense of life and the purpose of existence.
When a design requires something special from inputs, layout designers crouch in the twine and do pretty crazy things, like an image inside the input, but still leave the tag <input> on the page. However, if suddenly it comes to styles of a drop-down list, the tag <select> along with a set of <option> tags go to the dump, and then <div> and javascript appear to take their place. Well, you are not allowed to customize selects in browsers even with the latest html/css, and that's very sad!
Everyone aim to be better, but we forget that big things have small beginnings.

Small companies and startups, often focused on their own ideas and achievements, don’t have any desire to study extra programs and tools. However, everyone is looking for the best option to develop projects and ways to increase productivity. As a rule, it is in the founder's interests to provide a joint work on a common idea, put everything in its place, and prevent spending time on "pseudo" work. This can be achieved with so-called issue trackers. Might say, that there are a lot of them right now, for any taste. You could find trackers with a huge amount of functions, as well as much simpler products with only several ones if you don’t want to waste your time learning how all of them work, or simply if you don’t need them.

Hi, guys! Meet the first autumn update from the Riter team. This time we have focused on improving your user experience and making a barrier to entry even lower. If you haven't yet tried Riter, it is a good time to sign up your own company so as the registration process has been simplified a lot. We have also added some important features both for project management and software developers, fixed several bugs and enhanced interaction with our users.

Plan before you speak.

Every day we are in a hurry, every day our minds are filled with hundreds of thoughts. However, we don’t always pay attention to how powerful is what we think and speak about. A well-known fact is that your effectiveness increases significantly if you have already thought about those or other things. Indeed, everything begins with structuring in your head... Have you ever noticed that the result depends on how you have thought through your next actions, and how much time you have spent on analyzing and designing your further development? Brian Tracy said, "Remember that every minute spent on planning will save a few minutes of your work." Planning is actually a guarantee of the success of a modern person. A very important thing is to set the long-term and short-term goals.

When working in a team, you usually don't need to explain why everyone should adhere to one style of coding, down to the decisions whether to put an extra space before the brackets and use double or single quotes. Everything is obvious and clear. But once you need to continue a project after another developer or even a whole team, that is where a nightmare begins.

Recently I was asked to write a letter of recommendation to a software developer in which there was a simple question that made me think hard. It was about the strongest quality of the candidate. Like, "name his best quality, and only one". Such a trivial question formulated a problem of the most important criterion of a developer.

An ability to accurately estimate the time required to complete a task is a crucial trait of every software developer. As a rule, this skill is honed over time by trial and error. However, such mistakes may be costly both for the software development company and the product's owner. As a result, more than 66% of all projects in the industry have cost and effort overruns. Still, there is a way out. Having spent a little time and effort from the very beginning, we could avoid conflicts with customers and save funds in the future.
Whether you are a newbie programmer looking for a promising area to apply his skills, or a veteran of programming who got fed up coding in Algol and Fortran, you're probably interested in the latest trends and prospects in IT. As a part of the world where technologies are constantly changing, you need to keep up with it, and know where to move on. Once you just tie yourself to a particular technology or language - and tomorrow you will be left behind, since overnight demands to candidates have been changed. If in the previous article we were talking about wrong ways to software development, today let's discuss perspective directions instead. The following tech fields are in demand at the moment and deserve your attention.
Today, advances in technology are changing the labour market, and programming is becoming an ever more attractive career option. Maybe one in two our familiar scholar at least once thought about switching his or her speciality to technical fields and computer science in particular. And advertising around them is only adding fuel to the fire, calling upon everybody to dive into IT. Attracted by promises of high incomes and low barriers to entry, people choose this path regardless of their initial education, abilities and interests. As a result, there are a lot of good and not very good advice on how to become a programmer, what to begin with, what a true programmer must know and so on. We decided to go another way and say what the novice developer should NOT do. In particular, let's talk about popular today paid courses, advertising of which can be met at every turn.