Documentation of — project management tool

Project settings

The project settings page allows you to:

Switch between the corresponding tabs on the settings page for more details. More options will be available soon.


Each project can have a specific set of related topics that simplifies its identification and filtering on statistics pages. It can also be used by developers to group a particular project stories by some criteria (for example, "feature", "bug", "frontend" and so on). Creating a new story, developers select several topics from available project set that describe the task in the best way. Note, that you can see all stories related to some topic using the search bar with an appropriate filter.

Topics creation

If a required topic does not exist yet, any developer is able to add it on a story page. To do this, click in the topics section (you'll see a cursor under topic labels) and input a required value. A new topic will appear in the list of topics (select a value to apply it to the story). Topics which already exist in the list will not be included twice but they will be assigned to the story (if they are not chosen yet). Topics created in one story become available in any story of the current project.

Create topic

Topics settings

You can also manage project topics via the "Settings" page which can be found in the main menu (for a developer's account). Here a full list of the current project topics may be looked through and updated. Use this page to rename and change a state of a particular topic (active or archived). A panel for topics absorption is located here too. Note, that you can't delete a story, so you should archive it instead.

Active and archived topics

All your topics can be active or archived. The first type is currently used on the project story pages, the last one is for topics which are out-of-use at the moment. They are not shown on a story page, but you can see them in a drop-down list of hints while inputting a new topic name in the topics section. If some archived topic gets added to a task, it becomes active again. You can also use the settings page to change a topic state to "archived" or "unachieved". When you create a new topic, it is active by default.

Topics aliases

If your development team is big enough, it may happen that some topics with a similar sense will be added. In this case, it will be reasonable to replace all the identical topics with a single value to avoid ambiguity during joint work on tasks. Related topics should be saved and substituted with the common one if somebody tries to add them to a story. Topics aliases can be created on the settings page as well. Use the input field to specify required names. As a result, the similar topics will be replaced with the only value in stories where they are mentioned. If merged topics have different states, Riter sets all the values to active.

Topics aliases

Deleted stories

When you delete a story from the story page, it appears in the list on this page. You are able to see a detailed information about the story, time of its deletion and restore it.

Sprint management

While working on a project and planning new tasks you may need to order and group them according to some principles. For example, you will need to split tasks among future releases or product development stages. Or you may want to visually separate tasks of different teams working on the same project. Here's where sprints will come in handy.

On the setting page, you can add a new sprint by specifying its name and description (optionally). All new sprints are active and appear at the bottom of the list of existing active sprints. Overdue and unscheduled sprints are not shown here. You can reorder sprints by drag-and-dropping them up and down the list. The order of sprints corresponds to the order of their display on the main project page.

Sprint management

On the settings page, you can also edit and archive existing sprints. A list of archived sprints is displayed here as well, to the right of the active sprints. These sprints are not displayed on the main project page. However, if there are unapproved tasks in an archived sprint, they will be shown in the "Overdue" sprint section until you approve the tasks. We advise you to archive sprints when all the work planned for them has been completed.

Look through the Tasks planning documentation page to find out how you can manipulate tasks within sprints, how sprints can be used and what "Unscheduled" and "Overdue" sprints are for.