Documentation of — project management tool

Getting started

If you are new to Riter, visit the Getting started page to study its main project management capabilities. There you will get a detailed description of the workspace for the development mode. Find out how to login your account, navigate throughout projects, work with groups of projects and which other development options are available before you start using Riter. If you do not have any projects in Riter yet, you or somebody with manager's rights needs to configure your work area at first.

Tasks planning

If you are ready to start working with Riter, visit the Tasks planning page to find out how to plan and distribute tasks on sprints, navigate among them, create and change stories with different options. Assign users, set story state choose appropriate topics attach files, discuss tasks and use other capabilities which Riter story tracker provides you.

Time tracking

Visit the Time tracking page to know how to estimate tasks and commit time spent on them. The page contains a complete description of supported types of time estimation such as clean and dirty hours, available time tracking parameters for time intervals generation with corresponding examples. Proper time estimation allows to improve timeinterval opportunities and the quality of gathered statistics.

Project settings

Project settings are available for all team members and allow them to set up project topics, sprints, and look through deleted stories. More options will be available soon. To find out how to manage topics, sprints, and deleted stories, visit the Project settings page.