Riter Release v0.15

Meet Riter v0.15 with a set of essential (and not only) updates and fixes. Here you will find out more about functional, interface and administrative changes such as an alternative way to log in to your account, updated manipulations with stories, a redesigned section for discussions, changes in Riter API, more profitable tariff plan, important updates in Privacy Policy and much more. If you use at least one of the above, then this post is recommended for reading.

Sign in to your company

When you sign up a new company in Riter, you have several ways to sign in to it next time. First of all, you can follow an invitation link which you receive to your e-mail address after registration. This is not the most optimal way, to be honest.

You may also visit yoursubdomain.riter.co to get access to your company directly. Each company has a separate domain unavailable for other companies. That's why you are able to use the same e-mail address for several companies.

Since now, it's also possible to sign in to your company from the landing page. You just need to specify your subdomain, e-mail and a password. Try not to forget this data to be able to log in to your account. If you still have got problems with access to your company, please contact us via the contact form and we will try to solve them.

Improved story management

After the next successful login, pay attention to the main page with a list of stories. Can you see the next change of the release? Try to drag-and-drop a story and you will see that we have changed not only the interface, but also the technique of drag-and-dropping tasks. Now their movement is more accurate and smooth. Managing stories, reassessing time, changing deadlines, regrouping, etc. - all these tasks are the important and inevitable parts of the workflow, and we want them to take less of your time.


New annotation layout

All right, go ahead. Open a story page and look at the annotation section. We have completely changed the interface of comments. We believe that the new one will be much more convenient and pleasant for perception. Try it yourself and don't forget to discuss tasks before performing and leave useful notes for your teammates.


GraphQl API

We also continue to work on Riter API. This time we have added SprintsSlugs argument in the stories query. It takes the value of sprints' slugs, which should be specified as a string. The argument may be used to return stories for sprints with particular slugs.

Other important updates

A number of important changes are not related to Riter functionality, but they also deserve your attention.

First of all, we have updated the "White label" tariff plan - now it is much more profitable for any type of company. No giant bills anymore - pay only for what you really need. And it's not about main functionality, number of users, projects or terms of use - all of this you get for free in any amount and without any restrictions. But if you want more, for example, custom design, custom domain and unlimited number of connected bots, then the "White label" plan is what you need. It lets you pay just for connected bots (first 10 bots are still free). Expand the basic functionality, as you like, add interaction with Slack, Github, Telegram and so on. $10 a month for each bot - that is what you get with Riter.

And we still have a special offer for all users who will join us while we are in beta. You will have a fixed upper price limit - $100 per month, no matter how many bots you will use. You have a unique opportunity to get unlimited scalability for a small fee. All you need to do is register in Riter under the "White label" tariff plan before the release. "Basic" and "Enterprise" plans remained unchanged.

Another important update is connected to changes in our Privacy Policy and some minor changes in Terms of Use and Cookie Policy. They are associated with changes in data processing requirements specified in GDPR. We are pleased to announce that Riter fully supports the document and all data security related standards and always strives to comply with them. We insistently ask you to review the changed documents on the website. If something there is not clear to you, feel free to contact us for more details.

Fixes and minor changes

We have also worked on several bugs found in the previous version. Here's a list of the most significant fixes:

  • Redirection to a new project for managers only
  • Small changes in mobile interface of story page and main page
  • Fix avatar displaying in several annotations from a user
  • Fix markdown checkbox (todos) if text is too long

If you know about any other bug that is not listed above, please let us know.

Riter development team