Meet Riter v0.10.6

We are happy to introduce to you the latest Riter release with extended capabilities and improved productivity. For several weeks of fruitful work, we have significantly developed our product, added new features, fixed a number of bugs, redesigned the interface and increased efficiency. Find out what was changed since the last update, to stay aware of all the advantages Riter provides you.

Performance statistics

You have already got several types of statistics: general gross worked hours, users' activity during sprints, a particular user's statistics... But there can not be too much awareness - as they say, "better safe than sorry". A new statistics page will allow you to know how productive your team is!

Performance statistics

All of existing statistic reports provided you useful, but a little one-sided information about dirty hours spent on tasks. And, as you know, there are also other estimates of time, clean hours, which developers commit during their work. The ratio of clean hours to dirty ones, expressed as a percentage, can tell a lot about a certain developer's performance. Over time, this value is only precised and helps you to determine the actual task deadlines more accurately. Evaluating a story, a developer indicates some time required for the job in his opinion, but you can know exactly what part of the working day he has to spend directly on the task, and which one - on studying, discussion of problems and so on. With the performance statistics you are able to find out what to count on! A wide range of filters is supported on this statistics page as well.

Design and other optimizations

We have also upgraded the dependent software applied to Riter as we are continuously monitoring the relevance of technologies and products that we use in our work. With us, you can always be sure that your software meets the latest achievements and resists to known vulnerabilities. Since the previous release, Riter productivity was also improved - if you have been with us for a long time, you will probably see that the pages are opened faster now! We have modified Riter design as well to make it more responsible and convenient for mobile devices.

Riter GraphQL API was also a little changed according to some new functionality we are working on. If you use the API, pay particular attention to the arguments of story mutations which were updated.

Bug fixes

As you know, Riter has a special demo company created solely in order to present its features and help you to test them without registration of your own company. We have added enough users, projects and tasks so you don't have to do it yourself, and to show possible work with Riter from different sides and for all existing roles. However, as it turned out, some demo users' emails were not confirmed in time so you couldn't login under those characters. Moreover, several of users had no passwords that's why you had to see a corresponding notification about this while working under them. If you have noticed these problems - do not worry, everything has already been fixed so you can choose any character you wish to login demo company!

Thanks to your feedbacks, we always know how Riter should look like and behave to satisfy all the developers' and managers' needs, therefore it becomes better every time. We would never have made it without your constant help and support.

Riter development team