Meet Riter v0.0.2

Welcome to Riter v0.0.2! We are pleased to present you a new version of our tracker system with advanced functionality an improved interface. Already now this is a convenient and flexible tool for tracking development process, project and team management, and every week its capabilities only increase. Over the past two weeks Riter has changed a lot - learn more about its new features in the post below to make full use of them. They will be interesting primarily to managers and team leaders who are going to organize the development process.

Manage customers

The new Riter version allows you to create a customer - one of the main entities, without which the development of the project would not even begin. This is a project initiator, a person who is responsible for its launching and financing. Now you are able to keep information about all the customers you have worked with in Riter. On the corresponding page you will find all your customers, lists of projects they are involved in and their total statistics.


Note, that only project managers can get access to the customers page, add and look through the data. Before creating a new project and starting work on tasks, you should add at least one customer to your Riter system. Each project can have the only customer. To add one, click on a "New customer" button in the upper right corner on the customers page and specify an appropriate name. After that, you will be able to assign him or her to your projects, selecting a required value from a dropdown list. See the project management documentation for more information.

Team management

An equally important component of the development process is a team. All Riter users can be divided into managers and developers. The first ones can act as developers, but they have additional opportunities such as registration of new users and customers, creating of projects, access control and so on. To start managing a company, click on your nickname on the right of the main menu and choose an item "Manage company" in a dropdown list (if there is no such value, you don't have manager rights so you can only act as a developer). After that, you will be taken to the management page where you will find all necessary options. Go to the users page to add developers to Riter and gather teams for your projects.


On this page all available users are displayed along with their projects separated with a space. You can also see here general users statistics grouped by story states. Click on a user or a project name to go to the corresponding pages for detailed information. The button "New user" allows you to add a new developer record. Then you are able to assign users to projects and revoke access when it is necessary.

Project management

By adding the customer and users to the system, you can finally start creating and managing projects. Go to the projects page where a list of all of them will be displayed. Here you can select "New project" to add a new one. Fill the required fields in the opened form and submit it with the "Create" button. Then you will be able to assign new users to the project (and revoke access for already assigned developers), work on project stories along with other team members and track statistics. If a project is finished, you can disable it on its editing page.


Tracking statistics

When everything is ready the only thing you need to do as a manager - tracking statistics. We have added a global company-wide statistics which can be found on the appropriate page. It includes a report on all projects progress (worked hours) grouped by weekdays and users. Statistics on a particular developer and a weekday is available too. You can also find useful statistics on other management pages (on a specific user and project pages, on pages of users and customers lists).

We hope you enjoy Riter v0.0.2 and are looking forward to new features in just a couple of weeks! If you have ideas or suggestions about Riter improvements, please, let us know by email. Stay aware of the latest updates with the blog.

Riter development team